18 February 2025

Sailing with orcas

By Paul Knox-Johnston Sales & Marketing Manager
A yellow sailboat with two aboard cuts through the water, closely followed by an orca breaching the surface.

Webinar recording

It’s been hard to miss the growing number of reports from sailors who’ve had alarming encounters with orcas while crossing the Bay of Biscay or sailing off the coasts of Spain and Portugal. These interactions – ranging from curious approaches to aggressive behaviour – have left many boaters feeling anxious and uncertain about cruising these waters.

If you want to better understand this concerning rise in orca activity or are planning to sail in high-risk areas, Haven Knox-Johnston’s webinar all about the threat of orca whales is a must watch.

To separate fact from fiction, John Burbeck, the Cruising Association’s Orca Project Team Lead, shared his in-depth knowledge on orca interactions with yachts, the risks involved, and gave his advice on how to safely navigate affected waters. John’s commitment to communicating the most up to date advice on this issue has significantly enhanced safety and awareness for sailors.

Whether you’re an experienced sailor or new to offshore cruising, understanding how to prepare for and respond to orca encounters is essential to ensuring the safety of your boat and crew.

Key topics covered:

  • Why are orcas targeting boats?
  • Where and when are orca interactions happening?
  • What should sailors do if approached by orcas?
  • Best practices to avoid orca encounters at sea
  • Are there legal deterrents that work?
  • Reporting orca encounters & contribute to crucial data
  • What to do if your yacht is damaged by an orca

We hope you enjoy the Webinar, and if you have any questions please email us at marketing@havenkj.com


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